I invited Steven to sit down and talk. He did. For an hour. We talked about everything from alcohol, to family, to Jesus. Steven told me about how alcohol ravaged his own life and the lives of his family. He told me about the many many cities and towns he had been roaming over the course of his life. He talked to me about his two children and how he has not seen them in over six years. Humorously, latter on in the conversation, Steven decided that I needed "a buddy." He said I needed someone outside of the church that I can just talk with. He then decided that he was that buddy. I said OK.
When we left McDonald's, I asked if I could pray with him and he obliged. Afterward, I asked him to imagine what his life would be like without the drink. And how without the booze, he could use his life as a positive influence for others. After Steven walked away, I hoped that God would get ahold of him and that Steven would turn his life around.
All of this got me thinking:
You never know who God is going to bring into your life. The reason that I wrote about this is because something similar happened to me just last week. Maybe the reason God had entrusted these people to me is because I have shown myself faithful? I am not sure, but what I am sure about is when you are faithful with the little things then you will be faithful with the bigger things.
And this is about as BIG as you can get. God sending a hurting person your way... is perhaps like Him saying, "Of all the people in the world, I am sending Steven your way. So Anthony, look at his heart more than his clothes."
Jesus said:
"I say unto you, 'whatever you have done to the least of these you have done to Me.'" Mathew 25:45
I know that a lot of people would have sent this guy out of their office faster than smoking gun. And I know that a lot of folks would have bought Steven food too. But the greatest part about our meeting was not the food or the things I gave him, but the time and the conversation that took place between us. I wanted Steven to know that I was taking him serious. I wanted him to know that I was someone that was not going to give him a Bible and tell him that God loves him -and then send him back out into the streets.
Steven told me at McDonald's that he has been to literally hundreds of churches in his life -but he has only had this kind of encounter once. That made my day. I was glad that for Steven I was someone who stood out from amoung the many and made a difference in his life.
-May you be open to do the same-
Thanks Anthony for sharing this story. It happens so often downtown. Most people are simply "hungry" to know someone cares. May God continue to bless us as we humbly attempt to the be the hands and feet of Jesus in New Castle.
very sweet i enjoyed your story and all of them even if i dont comment on them all! i dont say this often and i hope you dont find this weird but i want you to know anthony that you are a wonderful person and a true man and i am so happy your are my best friends husband and for that i have love for you
Thank you both for the wonderful words...it really means a lot.
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