Working on a Dream
Something is dying and something different is being born
Above is the tombstone of one of the greatest Christian singers, Keith Green. He was taken from us in the early 80's via plane crash. On his tomb are words of Jesus, "Unless a grain of wheat falls to the earth and dies, it will produce nothing. Only when it dies, will it produce fruit." John 12: 24
Following Jesus over the years has had its many twists and turns. At times I feel like I can accomplish great things and other times I feel weak and pitiful. It is important not to base my faith on my emotions or feelings as they will change. Like a roller coaster, at times I am sky high and then a second later I am headed for a double loop. The words of Jesus brought my soul comfort today as I read them. I know that I am not the man I want to be but I am not the man that I once was.
Every day I am being transformed into the likeness of the One I follow. This is encouraging for me and I hope for you. To know that Jesus has never and will never give up on the one who truly seeks after Him is a very comforting truth.
I can say with certainty that along my life I have started and never finished many things. If it were up to me, I probably would have given up on Jesus some time ago. But thank God it is not up to me. Thank God this whole Christian life is based on grace -from beginning to the end. God is a God of grace. We are held by it, kept by it, and known by it.
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