Working on a Dream




Thursday, April 22, 2010

Avoidance vs. Engagement

I can remember when I first embraced Christ when I was a senior in high school. So much of my life was wrapped up in Bible study, youth group and fellowship with other Christians. In a real sense, my life was like a pendulum that swung from one side to the other, from darkness to light. Thinking deeper about this time in my life, I came to realize that so much of my discipleship was focused on "separating myself from the world"
--You know, like becoming a Christian hermit
It was while reading McManus' book, Chasing Daylight, that I was struck by how many Christians define their faith by what they separate themselves from and not what they engage in.
"We have put so much emphasis on avoiding evil that we have become virtually blind to the endless opportunities for doing good" McManus states.
It made me think about the fact that Jesus did not die on a cross to start a country club of people who huddle together each Sunday to avoid the world around them. A cursory glance at Church history will show a living, vibrant community of Christ followers engaging the world.
-Thanksgiving Converstation:
I cannot help but think of a conversation at Thanksgiving I had with my cousin Christina and my wife Christen. They were both sharing their passion for helping hurting young people. As I listened, I had two simultaneous thoughts (yes, I can do that) First, I was excited for the energy and enthusiasm they displayed and secondly, I wondered if the church could be a place where they would live out this dream. They both desired to define their Christian lives not by what they could avoid rather by what they could engage in.
-Are you expressing the life of Christ in the place God has planted you?

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