Monday morning sermon summary!
We kicked things off by discussing the difference between cat people and dog people; apparently our congregation is split right down the middle!
Then, I called attention to Psalm 1, and we looked at how this Psalm splits the entire human race into two distinct groups: the righteous and the wicked.
The sermon focused on the first verse, where we read,
“How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked,
Nor stand in the path of sinners,
Nor sit in the seat of scoffers!”
We spent some time discovering the rich meaning of the words and phrases starting with the term, “walk.” To walk in this passage refers to a lifestyle; it is used in a way to describe a pattern in someone’s life. In this case, the person is described as taking continual counsel from the wicked. The first aspect we are to avoid is to take in continual unwise and ungodly counsel because garbage in is garbage out. We have to safeguard our minds!
-Thoughts. Actions. Habits. Destiny.
Our thoughts equal our actions. Our actions equal our habits. And our habits equal our destiny. Friends I implore you to safeguard your mind!
The next step of regression is a stance with sinners. Notice that at first you are occasionally taking counsel from the ungodly, now you are “standing” with them. This is about being comfortable. You have went from occasionally seeking unhealthy advice to being so comfortable that you are now in association with or abiding with those that you never thought you would find a likeminded spirit.
Finally, we find the person descending to a level where there is literally no distinction between the godly and ungodly. The person has drank the poison and now is offering it to others! They share the same worldview and outlook on life. They have adopted the same outlook as the scoffer.
This was Part 1 of our exploration of Psalm 1.
Share it if you believe it!
I hope to see you all next week as we open God’s Word again.